Bookmarking is one of the part of Seo . If you have a Blog or website then you must need traffic. Without traffic there's no value of website.So need Seo for increasing the website traffic . The popular bookmarking list is below .By submit your site you will get some valuable traffic for you site from this book marking list .
1. Slashdot
2. Digg
3. delicious
4. Reddit
5. Technorati
6. Stumbleupon
7. Blinklist
8. Furl
10. Rojo
12. Folkd
13. Netvouz
14. Mister-Wong
15. Simpy
16. Bibsonomy
17. Kinja
18. Backflip
19. Clipmarks
20. Rawsugar
21. Searchles
22. Searchallinone
23. Tailrank
24. Linkagogo
25. Web2List
26. Spurl
27. Faves
28. Megite
29. Clipclip
30. StartAid
31. Linkroll
32. Sk*rt
33. Listible
34. Feedmarker
35. Markaboo
36. Bringr
37. Gabbr
38. Mybookmarks
39. Buddymarks
40. Tallstreet