Earn 500/monthly on PTC ( Strategy )

Probux - Rented Referral Strategy 

Rented referrals can be a great way to earn money from Probux As with any other site direct referrals earn you much more per referral, but getting huge numbers of rented referrals is much easier than getting huge numbers of direct referrals. Using rented referrals on Probux is especially tempting because of the month longwaiting period new members have before they can have direct referrals. Because of that month long waiting period, it is probably a good idea to get started on your rented referral plan while you wait to start your direct referral campaign. 
The Probux rented referral plan has the same underlying principles as the strategy for all PTC sites. The key is to frequently recycle referrals that are not clicking, and to make sure that you maintain a sufficiently high rental balance to keep on recycling as soon as you need to. The smallest number of referrals you can

rent at a time is 3 and this costs $.60, but before you rent your first referrals you need to make sure you have saved enough to maintain them. Keeping this in mind, the first step is to earn $2.00 by clicking your own ads. This will take a while, but keep your eyes on the goal and don't give up too soon. Once you have that $2.00 transfer it to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals and turn auto pay on (this saves you %10 per month on referral rental). Every time one of these referrals goes 2 days without clicking any ads, recycle them on the 3rd day. Keep clicking your own ads, and letting the money from your referrals build up until you have another $2.00, then repeat the process. Remember, each time that you buy referrals you will have more people making money for you, and the amount of time until you have enough to rent more referrals will keep getting smaller, and pretty soon you will be able to rent more than 3 at a time. Keep on doing this until you have 1000 referrals. Now stop buying new referrals, and just maintain the ones you have. Once you have $100 transfer it to your rental balance and upgrade to the golden membership for one year. This costs $90, but it doubles the amount you make per click and per referral click, so you will gain it back in no time. It may be tempting to jump the gun and upgrade before you have 1000 referrals, but you shouldn't because gold members have a separate pool of rented referrals, and there is much more competition to rent them, so referrals to rent can be very scarce. This is why you need the strong base of 1000 referrals going into golden membership. Once you have the golden membership, you can either keep building up referrals and trying to increase your earnings, or you can just maintain the ones you already have and still have a nice monthly income of a few hundred bucks.So just click  REGISTER NOW   

It is probably a good idea to pursue a strategy like this in addition to trying to get direct referrals, this way you will earn from both and maximize your profits.Good luck and happy clicking...
you can use this process also for Neobux. Register now for probux just click below register now


Make Money Through Internet Marketing

After knowing the importance of internet in one’s life still there are some people who underestimate or avoid the use of internet marketing. They think that only advertisement, publicity and communication can make money in the business without knowing the effectivity of internet marketing. Starting with papers, present world is now totally based on digital applications. Organizations and customers, both are now equipped with computers and PDAs powered by high speed internet service. This change had created new gateways of one-to-one relations and mass population reach. This mutual benefit boomed internet marketing in 21St Century. So here in this article I would like to share my views with you regarding the importance of  Internet Marketing.
  1. The most valuable importance of internet marketing is its reach ability of the internet around the globe and its mass appeal. No other traditional media such as print and broadcasting can reach that number of the population and if done that, it can`t attain that pace of reach.
  2. The importance of Internet marketing includes flexibility, measurability and affordability. It also lies in its interactive nature. Now organizations can easily track their customers and reach them, whereas customers can now evaluate and compare their product and services more efficiently.
  3.  It is an economic, effective and measurable alternative to expensive broadcast marketing and cumbersome and inefficient print marketing.
Here in this article you will come to know how exactly you need to use internet marketing, what to do and how to do? The first thing you need to keep in mind is “You have to Perform Research Work”. Yes the first step to do internet marketing is to do research work related to your work. Research work by listening seems to be a stressed work but if really realized can give you an effective manner how to represent your product and services and gives you an overview of how your competitors are doing it and taking advantage from it. Research work also includes the reading of different e-books related to your topics so as to understand better and clarify everything in your mind before representing anything on www.
“Appropriate Way to Represent” yes after a lot of research work you need to now represent and do your task. For that you need to find an appropriate way by which you can make your research successful. You need to learn various very effective ways of implementing marketing strategies online. Yes, maybe this point is negligible in some mind but it’s true that representation plays an important role in business, like matter should be clear and simple with no grammatical mistakes. Don’t just put up your brochure in front of your customer or client but make your presentation effective and interactive, which should be different and innovative from offline marketing. You need to believe and set your mind that internet marketing can give you a lot of profit in your business then only you will put full effort to be best in internet marketing.
The last but not the least point to remember is ” You Need to be Innovative”. Internet users become bored to see the same thing again and again online so you need to be innovative every time and you have to continue to grow your marketing. If your marketing doesn’t change and keep up with the times, it will fail. To avoid this issue, keep your eye on popular shifts in advertising and communicating. Also watch your client’s feedback carefully and regularly, when you make changes in your marketing.  Their feedback will  respond for your change and it will help you to decide whether this approach or changes should be continued or not. If you don’t, you could miss crucial fluctuations in your sales, visitors or clients.
Hope this article was helpful to you to understand the role of internet marketing in your business .

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